art for educators
Art for Educators is a two day hands-on workshop for classroom educators, teaching artists, caregivers and youth development professionals interested in learning the basics of visual arts and how to integrate art in the classroom, home, and/or community program setting. Absolutely no previous art experience is necessary for this workshop. This experience is engaging for both the inexperienced, and the seasoned art professional.
Join us at our next Art for Educators Workshop!
Date: TBD
Time: 9:00am to 3:30pm
Price: $225/person* Lunch included both days. Some scholarships available.
Location: Museum of Children's Art
1221 Broadway LL-49, Oakland, CA 94612
*Group Discounts: For groups of 5 or more, contact MOCHA Creative Director: Roxanne Padgett (roxanne@mocha.org)

Art for Educators Participants:
Develop skills in the visual arts that they can use in their work with children and youth to enhance their student’s creative thinking, communication, literacy skills, and individual expression.
Gain an expanded toolbox of art projects that they can use in their classrooms or other learning spaces using readily accessible and inexpensive art materials that can be integrated into a wide variety of subject areas and themes.
Participants gain hands-on experience with painting and drawing techniques, sculpture, collage, booking making and mixed media projects. Gain an understanding about the elements of art, line, shape, color, texture and space and how to scaffold the learning concepts and techniques from lesson to lesson.
Begin developing documentation practices to show the learning through the visual arts and develop reflection skills for talking to students about their art and the artworks of others using the Studio Habit of Mind.
Learn management techniques for handling art materials in a variety of community and creative learning spaces and how to engage and organize students in the set-up and clean up process.
Become comfortable with and/or enhance your own artistic expression.
Art for Educators Includes:
In person, hands-on art activities with a variety of visual mediums.
Opportunities to develop skills to be able to teach art to young people.
Incorporating CA state visual and performing arts standards.
Arts integration and curriculum development.
A year-long portfolio of art lessons.
Certificate of completion.
Lunch and snacks provided each day.